Microsoft Fabric Updates Blog

Power BI Org Apps with Multiple Audiences now Generally Available

Following our last announcement in August about launching the Public Preview of Multiple Audiences for Power BI org apps, we are excited to share that this feature is now generally available! With this, the multiple audience feature will now be supported by Power BI Mobile. As stated, with multiple audiences for an App Power BI App author can create multiple audience groups within the same App and assign different permissions to each group.

Allow users to share App reports/dashboards

Now, App users will be able to copy app reports/dashboards link and can share it with other app users who have permission to the app audience that includes that reports/dashboards.

  1. Click on the Share button on the App ribbon.
  2. Click on the Copy Link button. App report UI showing different options on App Ribbon
  3. Click on Copy button in the popup-window to copy the report/dashboard URLPop-up window showing an option for users to copy the app report or dashboard linkpop-up window showing that the app report or dashboard link has been copied
  4. Share the link with others who have permissions to the App audience. When the other app users (with the permission to the audience) would open the link, they would land on the same app report/dashboard section from which the URL was copied.

Multiple Audience support in Power BI Mobile

To view the app audience using the mobile app, open the app and tap the header to display the navigation tree. If the app has audience views, by default you’ll see all the content you have permission to see. Tap Change to select a particular audience view.

User interface flow showing PBI mobile support for PBI org app multiple audience

Please start to upgrade to multiple audiences for your Power BI Apps

We will continue to learn from your feedback, iterate on, and invest in Power BI Apps with multiple audiences. Power BI Apps without audience management will not see any more improvements. We encourage you to start evaluating Power BI Apps with audience management and making plans to upgrade your existing Power BI Apps (go to “Update App” and you will see prompts to “Upgrade now”). In the future, we will announce dates for migration of all existing Power BI Apps without audience management to Power BI Apps with audience management.

Power BI Apps with multiple audiences will simplify how you curate and distribute content for your Power BI App users. If you’ve ever had to duplicate content across workspaces for more specific control over who can see what content in a Power BI App and, in turn, created multiple Power BI Apps with some of the same content…then you know the overhead that comes with making the same updates to the same content across multiple workspaces and updating multiple Power BI Apps. Audience management is your chance to simplify management of your Power BI Apps by consolidating multiple Power BI Apps into one Power BI App and managing access via audiences. What was once two workspaces and two Apps…can now be one workspace and one App with two audiences.

Not only are Power BI Apps with multiple audiences a better way to manage access as a creator. But your Power BI App users who have access to content across multiple audiences can browse all content they have access to from one single Power BI App, no longer having to favorite and hop from App to App.

As you try out and upgrade to Power BI Apps with multiple audiences and have feedback or questions, please comment on this blog post or submit ideas (mention “org apps” in your idea title). We will continue to listen and improve Power BI Apps. We will follow up here on the Power BI blog with timelines for migration and upgrade of existing Power BI Apps.

Please see the following Microsoft Learn article for more on Power BI Apps and some limitations and considerations for Apps and audience management:
Publish an app in Power BI – Power BI | Microsoft Learn


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